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Real-Time Market Data

Gain that Competitive Edge with Low Latency Real-Time Data

Competing in the financial and trading industries requires top quality market data. QuoteMedia understands these requirements, and provides ultra-low latency, tick-by-tick enterprise level streaming market data. QuoteMedia's normalized data streams are tick-by-tick, in real-time or delayed. Supplemental fundamental, historical, and analytical data is also available, keyed to the same symbology, providing a comprehensive market data offering. State of the art technology delivers normalized data from all North American exchanges with ultra-low latency, complete redundancy, and superior accuracy and reliability.

QuoteMedia's Data Feed contains complete coverage of all North American Exchanges and ECNs, including equities, options, futures, commodities, currencies, mutual funds, and indices. Our flexible delivery options, including TCP or UDP protocols, dedicated line or Internet delivery, and compressed or uncompressed data streams. We have developed extremely easy to use interfaces and messaging formats, and a variety of connectivity methods.

Market data is securely delivered via multiple discrete channels, with each channel being individually selectable and configurable so that clients can choose individual markets or exchanges, and the specific data points they wish to receive.

QuoteMedia's Low Latency Data Feed Solutions are ideal for maximizing client-side efficiency while minimizing bandwidth costs. Each channel can be configured based on client needs.

Contact Us

We would love to discuss QuoteMedia Data Solutions with you. If you have any questions or you would like a demo, please reach out to us. We look forward to meeting you.