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On Demand Change Deltas

QuoteMedia's Change Delta services are intended to streamline XML & JSON requests for data that changes less frequently, such as data that does not update daily or intra-daily.

XML & JSON Exchange History Delta

The XML & JSON Exchange History Delta service is a companion to the XML & JSON Exchange History call. While manual updates to historical end-of-day data occurs infrequently, errors in the feed and exchange price adjustments, etc., contribute to the need to adjust historical data as required. Executing this call using the previous business day as the modifiedDate will ensure that customers receive an indication of historical data changes made to a symbol record within the specified exchange. This service returns full data records of symbols that have a modify entry for the corresponding date input value in the call.

XML & JSON Delta Financials

The XML & JSON Delta Financials service is a companion to the XML & JSON Financials calls. This service returns the records for symbols that have a modify entry for the corresponding date input value in the call, where the date is when the symbol record(s) had data revisions for any of the fields included in the XML & JSON Financials calls. Executing this call using the previous business day as the modifiedDate will ensure that customers receive a list of output symbols that have a revised data record and should be used in the corresponding "BySymbol" XML or JSON call to obtain updated information.

XML & JSON Dividends Delta

The XML & JSON Dividends Delta service is a companion to the XML & JSON Dividends calls. This service returns the records for symbols that have a modify entry for the corresponding date input value in the call. Executing this call using the previous business day as the modifiedDate will ensure that customers receive a list of output symbols that have a revised data record and should be used in the corresponding "BySymbol" XML or JSON call to obtain updated information.

XML & JSON Earnings Events Delta

The XML & JSON Earnings Events Delta service is a companion to the XML & JSON Earnings Events call. This service returns the records for symbols that have a modify entry for the corresponding date input value in the call. Executing this call using the previous business day as the modifiedDate will ensure that customers receive a list of output symbols that have a revised data record and should be used in the corresponding XML & JSON Earnings Events call to obtain updated information.

XML & JSON Earnings Surprises Delta

The XML & JSON Earnings Surprises Delta service is a companion to the XML & JSON Earnings Surprises calls. This service returns the records for symbols that have a modify entry for the corresponding date input value in the call. Executing this call using the previous business day as the modifiedDate will ensure that customers receive a list of output symbols that have a revised data record and should be used in the corresponding "BySymbol" XML or JSON call to obtain updated information.

Contact Us

We would love to discuss QuoteMedia Data Solutions with you. If you have any questions or you would like a demo, please reach out to us. We look forward to meeting you.