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On Demand News Headlines and Stories

XML & JSON Headlines

The XML & JSON Headlines service provides news headlines and links to full text stories for a North American stock symbol or a news topic. Filtering mechanisms include news by symbol, by topic, by sector, and by specific news source or provider.

XML & JSON Headlines Ticker

The XML & JSON Headlines Ticker call is intended to be used in conjunction with QuoteMedia's newsStory.go tool in order to provide the ability for further customization of news story display. The XML & JSON Headlines Ticker call provides news IDs (numeric ID of article) for news releases for a North American stock symbol or the SHOWALLNEWS topic code. These IDs can then be passed through the newsStory.go tool for a customized display of the full news story.

XML & JSON Story

The XML & JSON Story service provides a brief summary as well as complete articles and press releases regarding equities listed on the North American exchanges. Stories are queried by a unique story ID which is provided through the XML & JSON Headlines service.

XML & JSON Headlines Story

The XML & JSON Headlines Story service displays the headlines and story (in text instead of story URL) of a news story. Headlines Story, like all QuoteMedia XML & JSON news feeds, includes filtering mechanisms to provide headlines and/or news by symbol, sector, specific news source, or topic. Topics include a wide range of selections covering such categories as North American Exchange Market News, World Market News, Corporate Actions, Business and Finance, Economy, etc., and incorporate specialty filter parameters such as MARKECON (comprehensive Market and Economic News), MARKCOMM (comprehensive Market Commentary), and FORNEXCH (comprehensive Forex News).

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